Welcome to Emergency Management Training
Properly Trained For Emergency Situations
What is EMT?
Emergency Management Training is designed with your organization in mind. Every plan is customized to fit the needs of your organization so that every member of your team is trained and ready for a wide range of emergency situations. Our goal is to ensure every single person comes home safely.
Emergency Exercises
EMT are the experts in planning and orchestrating mock disaster exercises for numerous organizations including universities, health care facilities, public and private corporations, municipalities and First Nations. Whether it is a tabletop, functional or full-scale exercise, EMT will assure that your organization is prepared to handle any scenario with confidence and professional excellence.
Our EMT program includes a number of beneficial disaster exercises:

Set goals for future exercises

Demonstrate to funding sources the importance of EMG training and exercises

Build problem-solving skills

Provide reassurance to stakeholders and community members

Meet the demands of legislation requirements

Test technology

Test communications and interactions between agencies

Build working partnerships with allied agencies

Test mission-critical assumptions

Identify planning and resource gaps

Test plans and procedures

Staff training
First Responders
With decades of experience in the emergency industry, we have the background and wisdom to provide training for EMS and Fire service professionals. We understand the importance of staying up to date with best practices. Our EMT program ensures that first responders are current and ready for the moment a crisis strikes.
We provide high-level professional EMS/Fire Service training in the following areas:
- Leadership
- Tactical Communications
- Stress Management
- Customer Service
- Incident Management System
- Health & Safety
- Service Partnerships
- Dealing with the Elderly
- Testifying in Court
- Responding Effectively to Complaints
- Emergency Preparedness
- Teamwork and Team Building
- Professionalism
- Train the Trainer "Coaching the Emergency Vehicle Operator"
Patient Decontamination
Incoming or in-house patients can become contaminated from chemical or radiological contamination. Further, staff protection (PPE) and decontamination techniques are taught in a classroom
Patient Decontamination
Incoming or in-house patients can become contaminated from chemical or radiological contamination. Further, staff protection (PPE) and decontamination techniques are taught in a classroom and practical setting.

Patient Decontamination
Incoming or in-house patients can become contaminated from chemical or radiological contamination. Further, staff protection (PPE) and decontamination techniques are taught in a classroom and practical setting.
Spills Management
In case of a spill, our EMT program guides your organization through classroom and practical sessions for response to spills, safety, cleanup, disposal, etc.
Spills Management
In case of a spill, our EMT program guides your organization through classroom and practical sessions for response to spills, safety, cleanup, disposal, etc. This form of training is normally geared for maintenance and housekeeping staff.

Spills Management
In case of a spill, our EMT program guides your organization through classroom and practical sessions for response to spills, safety, cleanup, disposal, etc. This form of training is normally geared for maintenance and housekeeping staff.
Crisis Communications
We provide training for situations where you are communicating with stakeholders and the media in an emergency. EMT also provides training for those who
Crisis Communications
We provide training for situations where you are communicating with stakeholders and the media in an emergency. EMT also provides training for those who may be assigned the role of Public Information Officer and/or Media Spokesperson. This course has a 1-day or a 2-day option. The 2-day course includes practical scenarios in interviews and scrum environments.

Crisis Communications
We provide training for situations where you are communicating with stakeholders and the media in an emergency. EMT also provides training for those who may be assigned the role of Public Information Officer and/or Media Spokesperson. This course has a 1-day or a 2-day option. The 2-day course includes practical scenarios in interviews and scrum environments.
Fire Extinguisher Use
EMT ensures training in the classroom and practical sessions for all staff on the safe use of fire extinguishers. Plus, our computerized laser system
Fire Extinguisher Use
EMT ensures training in the classroom and practical sessions for all staff on the safe use of fire extinguishers. Plus, our computerized laser system allows for indoor practical training.

Fire Extinguisher Use
EMT ensures training in the classroom and practical sessions for all staff on the safe use of fire extinguishers. Plus, our computerized laser system allows for indoor practical training.
Emergency Evacuation Techniques
EMT’s practical training sessions use rescue evacuation dummies to teach simple evacuation techniques to staff responsible for assisting patients and residents in an emergency.
Emergency Evacuation Techniques
EMT’s practical training sessions use rescue evacuation dummies to teach simple evacuation techniques to staff responsible for assisting patients and residents in an emergency.

Emergency Evacuation Techniques
EMT’s practical training sessions use rescue evacuation dummies to teach simple evacuation techniques to staff responsible for assisting patients and residents in an emergency.
Front Line Staff
General Front Line Staff Preparation
Our EMT program includes custom-designed modules that introduce staff to their roles in an emergency.
Topics that our EMT programs include:
- Fire training
- Missing persons
- Violence
- Hazardous materials spills
- Bomb threats and searches
- Community emergencies
- Evacuations
Learn the core tools, strategies, and competencies to become an outstanding leader. Discover the effective leadership skills that will give you the power of strategic influence so that you can create impacts with your team and organization, whether that is in everyday operations or during a crisis. Our EMT service includes advanced communication skills, psychology, body language, leadership mindset, decision making, and gaining team collaboration.
In times of crisis, uncertainty and change, what could be more valuable than an effective leader?
How do we create change in our team members? Here are some basic steps:
- Understand and appreciate their perspective
- Connect and get leverage – determine why they would want to change
- Interrupt and extinguish their limiting patterns
- Define the problem in solvable terms
- Access empowering resources and alternatives
- Condition the change until it becomes ingrained
- Assess and monitor the change – link the change to a higher purpose
Case Studies
EMG was a lead consultant for Trillium Response, Canada’s largest integrated civilian/military exercise involving more than 3,000 active participants. This component operated continuously for 72 hours. EMT provided 22 consultants, controllers, and evaluators for this exercise.
EMG was the CBRNE exercise consultant for the Ontario Emergency Medical Assistance Team for 5 years, conducting large-scale disaster exercises in various cities across Ontario.
EMG was a planning and coordinator consultant for Exercise Caduceus, a simulated car bomb at the Constellation Hotel in Toronto. This operation involved the National Office of Health Emergency Response Team (NOHERT), the provincial EMAT team, the Ontario Provincial Police Provincial Emergency Response Team (PERT), four Heavy Urban Search and Rescue (HUSAR) teams from across Canada, and support agencies. Over 1000 responders were on-site for a full 72 hours, making this Canada’s largest full civilian disaster exercise. EMT provided 20 consultants, controllers and evaluators for this exercise.